Monday, December 11, 2006

PPP 666 999

What an unproductive week, i went to see ppp's exhibition last weekend, twas ace anyone who hasn't seen the anti monotheist monutments get your arses down bloc in sheffield.

I turned up and had to help stage manage the bands and human canonball etc..

Then as soon as the first band had finished they took the mics so i spent the rest of the evening in town cryer mode with a dormant unplugged mic for a prop.

The band were meet for a dark day, who i did like though the lead singer suffered from shrinking violet syndrome, full of bravado off stage and then a little downplayed once on a stage, the crowd were into though and the mmic was plugged into a guitar amp so maybe that had a lot to do with it. Straight after was the human canonball which after a drum roll, a spotlight on a rooftop and a precariouis looking hammock the dude missed by miles, slammed into the brick wall at the back and was susequently carried off.

Next up were My name is Bronwin, one of the guys from these used to be in Fights, Swintons finest, so i was looking forward to this one. It was mental, no really mental, no discernable music but funny outlandinsh electro boy / trash performance inside what lookied to be an elevbated blazing church. If they had kicked into a sloid beat after the initial choas the place would have gone mental, as it was they just turned a little clinically depressed.

Then Chora, i have played a few arthouse gigs with this lot and they do their thing consistantly and with verve. Heard the boys are moving to Peckham pretty soon, they should do a grime remix set with some mans dem.

Then following loads of free beers and a spot of urban drinking we hit a bar on the way home, i had completely forgotten about Weekend nights in Sheff, something i don't miss. Had a good time though and the beer is so cheap! i bought 3 gin and tonics and got a 20 spot out of my wallet.

Then i managed to meet the boy band "No XXXXXXX Use" who decended upon me with battle lyrics, always a pleasure 'cept when you get put in a head lock by a backing dancer every time you say something against them. So having been told numerously that they come from Sheffield (as though it takes any skill to pop out of a pussy anywhere ((and where do they think i'm from?)) I took it upon myself to walk away, shame though i would have been into a cypher with two of the cats but considering i was drunk and i had a cru in the pub i feel the bigger man for not sparking that backing dancer out for the headlocks.

In all it was a pretty typical night in sheff, went charity shopping the next day and picked up some vintage dinner service, had a damn fine fish and chips and the tap water is the best in the country by far.